object CopyErrorForm: TCopyErrorForm Left = 633 Top = 100 HorzScrollBar.Visible = False VertScrollBar.Visible = False BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsToolWindow Caption = ' - Copy error' ClientHeight = 147 ClientWidth = 400 Color = clBtnFace Constraints.MinWidth = 408 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] FormStyle = fsStayOnTop OldCreateOrder = False Position = poOwnerFormCenter OnCreate = FormCreate DesignSize = ( 400 147) PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object imIcon: TTntImage Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 32 Height = 32 Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object llCopyErrorText3: TTntLabel Left = 48 Top = 96 Width = 318 Height = 13 Caption = 'What would you like to to? (keep buttons pressed for more optio' + 'ns)' end object llCopyErrorText1: TTntLabel Left = 48 Top = 8 Width = 60 Height = 13 Caption = 'The copy of:' end object llCopyErrorText2: TTntLabel Left = 48 Top = 40 Width = 187 Height = 13 Caption = 'was interrupted for the following reason:' end object llFileName: TSCFileNameLabel Left = 48 Top = 24 Width = 345 Height = 13 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] AutoSize = False Caption = 'llFileName' ShowAccelChar = False end object mmErrorText: TTntMemo Left = 48 Top = 56 Width = 345 Height = 32 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] ReadOnly = True ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 4 end object btRetry: TScPopupButton Left = 3 Top = 119 Width = 94 Height = 25 TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True ItemIndex = 0 Popup = pmRetry ImageIndex = -1 OnClick = btRetryClick end object btEndOfList: TScPopupButton Left = 103 Top = 119 Width = 94 Height = 25 TabOrder = 1 TabStop = True ItemIndex = 0 Popup = pmEndOfList ImageIndex = -1 OnClick = btEndOfListClick end object btSkip: TScPopupButton Left = 203 Top = 119 Width = 94 Height = 25 TabOrder = 2 TabStop = True ItemIndex = 0 Popup = pmSkip ImageIndex = -1 OnClick = btSkipClick end object btCancel: TScPopupButton Left = 303 Top = 119 Width = 94 Height = 25 TabOrder = 3 TabStop = True ItemIndex = 0 Caption = 'Cancel' ImageIndex = 6 ImageList = MainForm.ilGlobal OnClick = btCancelClick end object pmRetry: TTntPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual Images = MainForm.ilGlobal TrackButton = tbLeftButton Left = 8 Top = 80 object Retry1: TTntMenuItem Caption = 'Retry' ImageIndex = 21 Visible = False end object Alwaysretry1: TTntMenuItem Caption = 'Always retry' end end object pmEndOfList: TTntPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual Images = MainForm.ilGlobal TrackButton = tbLeftButton Left = 104 Top = 80 object Endoflist1: TTntMenuItem Caption = 'To end of list' ImageIndex = 13 Visible = False end object Alwaysputtoendoflist1: TTntMenuItem Caption = 'Always put to end of list' end end object pmSkip: TTntPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual Images = MainForm.ilGlobal TrackButton = tbLeftButton Left = 208 Top = 80 object Skip1: TTntMenuItem Caption = 'Skip' ImageIndex = 19 Visible = False end object Alwaysskip1: TTntMenuItem Caption = 'Always skip' end end end